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ProXpedition: Moose Trophy - Moose

ProXpedition: Moose Trophy - Moose

Regular price $14.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 CAD
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Outsmart the moose in your area with the scent of a female moose in heat. Excite area males with the Moose Trophy and the call of the moaning female (ma-heu) to create a hunting simulation worthy of a movie. Beautiful, vigorous moose will visit your territory on a more frequent basis. Product works over long distances and encourages males to come closer. We suggest spraying the scent of Moose Trophy on ProXpedition pads. Don't forget to draw scent lines with this urine mixture from cows in heat. The product is very effective when you add ProXpedition Estrogen Trigger.
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